What are the Harms of Midwater Trawling?

Fishermen with fishing nets

Midwater trawling is a technique designed to fish pelagic (midwater) species such as squid and shrimp, and schooling fish like sardines and hake. Boats herd and enclose these target species by towing large nets through the water column above the seafloor. The industry argues this technique is less destructive than dragging nets on the ocean […]

BC’s Orca

An orca spyhopping during the sunset in waters off BC's coast.

BC’s marine ecosystem is home to hundreds of orcas-creatures so intelligent, social, and visually stunning that they have inspired legends among First Nations and fear in early settlers, and now attracted legions of fans.

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas

Ron Desjarlais and Hannah Hoag.

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) are a powerful tool to provide important economic opportunities for coastal communities, and safeguard BC’s marine economy for all by protecting BC’s most vital habitats and species.

What are Marine Protected Areas?

A Kitasoo / Xai'xais First Nation Coastal Guardian monitoring the Gitdisdzu Lugyeks (Kitasu Bay) Marine Protected Area.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated areas of the ocean and coastal regions which are managed to protect marine ecosystems, habitats, and species while also enhancing local and regional fishing stocks.

BC’s Squid


Among the BC coast’s varied marine species, squid play a fascinating and vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of our coast.