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Noise Pollution from Vessels Affect Resident Orcas’ Ability to Hunt, Study Finds
The Salish Sea is far too noisy for its resident orcas to hunt efficiently and effectively, according to new research by the University of Washington and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Scotland Launches Consultation on Banning Trawlers in Marine Protected Areas
Scotland has launched talks on restricting or banning trawlers in 20 Marine Protected Areas off its coast, joining a growing list of countries that are
New Ocean Noise Strategy to Help Manage Coastal Noise Pollution
The federal government has announced the first draft of Canada’s Ocean Noise Strategy, which will help manage noise pollution on our coast.
Two humpbacks tangled in fishing gear rescued
Rescuers found and freed humpback whales Raza and Mogul, tethered together in fishing gear, after a kayaker reported their plight.
Film Company Fined for Drone Over Orcas
Filming orcas “beach rubbing” on Vancouver Island just cost a BC film company a $25,000 fine, plus another fine for the drone operator.
Bigg’s Killer Whale Sightings Soar in Salish Sea
Sightings of Bigg’s killer whales have soared this year in the Salish Sea. In July alone, groups of Bigg’s whales were sighted 214 times.