Two humpbacks tangled in fishing gear rescued
Rescuers found and freed humpback whales Raza and Mogul, tethered together in fishing gear, after a kayaker reported their plight.
Film Company Fined for Drone Over Orcas
Filming orcas “beach rubbing” on Vancouver Island just cost a BC film company a $25,000 fine, plus another fine for the drone operator.
Bigg’s Killer Whale Sightings Soar in Salish Sea
Sightings of Bigg’s killer whales have soared this year in the Salish Sea. In July alone, groups of Bigg’s whales were sighted 214 times.
The Bocaccio Rockfish of BC
This story stars the Bocaccio, a species once abundant in our waters but now considered endangered in BC.
New Measures to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales in BC
The Government of Canada has announced new measures and increased funding to protect the endangered Southern Resident killer whales of BC’s coast.
Noise Pollution Threatens the Survival of Southern Resident Killer Whales
Scientists are increasingly concerned about the effects of increased vessel shipping, and the underwater noise pollution that comes with it, on BC’s marine species that rely on sound and echolocation to communicate, navigate, and hunt.
BC’s Orca
BC’s marine ecosystem is home to hundreds of orcas-creatures so intelligent, social, and visually stunning that they have inspired legends among First Nations and fear in early settlers, and now attracted legions of fans.
Brave Little Hunter Not Seen for Weeks, But It’s Good News
Brave Little Hunter has not been seen for several weeks. However, it could simply mean she’s on the move, searching for family
BC Spring Migration: Humpback Whale and New Calf Returns to Salish Sea
The Salish Sea is officially home to a new humpback calf as the first humpbacks migrate back here from their warm-water birthing grounds. Every Spring, BC residents can expect to see these gentle giants and their new calves as they seek out cooler temperatures. The humpback mother, named “Black Pearl,” was spotted in Haro Strait […]
Pod Sighting Raises Hopes but Not Expectations for Reunion With Brave Little Hunter
A group of nine killer whales has been spotted near Brave Little Hunter’s location, but experts stress that the pod has not been identified as the young orca’s kin.